The 14 VERY subtle signs that quietly scream someone is wealthy

There is no such thing as obvious clues when it comes to identifying rich people as many usually try to disguise their wealth.

But users claim to have uncovered a host of subtle telltale signs. 

Hundreds of people shared their personal experiences with the rich after a user posed the question: ‘What’s a non obvious sign someone is rich?’

From wearing simple clothing without any brand identification to having excellent teeth and valuing their time, here are 14 subtle signs someone is extremely wealthy…

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who became the youngest self-made billionaire in 2007 aged 23, wears the same colored clothes every day- a gray top and jeans

Shunning designer clothing and logos  

One theory is that rich people tend to steer away from expensive and extravagant clothing from luxury brands such as Louis Vuitton, Balenciaga and Gucci.

Instead, they tend to wear solid-colored tops with a simple pair of khakis or jeans and trainers with no logo in sight.

A Reddit user said: ‘Exactly.Gucci and Prada and all that is for absolute SUCKERS. I have a friend who’s a trust fund baby in the nine-figure range – zero logos anywhere.’

Another added: ‘I used to do remodeling/carpentry in a very wealthy town here in New Jersey.I never caught any of these people wearing clothes covered in LV logos or Gucci signs.

‘If they weren’t dressed in a suit for work, they wore solid-colored T-shirts with khakis or jeans and running shoes.’

Another subtle sign someone is wealthy is that their clothes fit them perfectly as they have someone tailor the items they buy.

‘Alterations,’ a Reddit user pointed out.

‘Their clothes fit perfectly because they don’t expect things off the rack to fit perfectly, so they have someone alter them to fit.’

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who became the youngest self-made billionaire in 2007 aged 23, wears the same colored clothes every day- a gray top and jeans. 

He explained that dressing the same helped him focus on more significant decisions at work. 

If you are trying to work out how wealthy someone is, a good indicator is their oral health as rich people have been going to the dentist multiple times a year for their entire lives

A perfect smile and brilliantly white teeth  

If you are trying to work out how wealthy someone is, a good indicator is their oral health.

Most rich people have excellent teeth as they have been going to the dentist multiple times a year for check ups and procedures their entire lives.They also often have expensive cosmetic procedures done such as teeth whitening.

A Reddit user in the thread said: ‘Teeth are a subtle sign. You can tell when someone’s gone to the dentist multiple times a year their entire lives, and that’s an expensive habit.

‘Their parents had the money to establish that routine when they were young, they had the money to keep it up, and they’re not too busy or poor to sacrifice something so cosmetic as the pearliness of their whites.’

Staying silent during money discussions

You can tell someone is financially secure during a conversation about money issues as they tend to go silent and stare at the ground.

They also deflect and try to change the topic if they are questioned about their relationship with money.

‘They are quiet when the discussion is about cost of living pressures, and will deflect the questions from themselves and/or nudge the conversation into a different direction,’ one user said on Reddit.

Using the phrase ‘we’re comfortable’ 

Another sign someone is rich includes using the phrase ‘we’re comfortable’ to describe their finances – as more often than not they’re extremely wealthy but don’t want to brag.

You can tell someone is financially secure during a conversation about money issues as they tend to go silent and stare at the ground

Driving an average but reliable car

You would assume rich people drive the latest models of the most expensive cars.

But it turns out that many prefer to drive average cars that are reliable rather than driving around in anything flashy.

A Reddit user said: ‘A few people I know who are extremely wealthy live this way.

‘Aside from a nice home, they drive average vehicles.When I moved to town, this woman was the one who advised me on a car.

‘Suggestions were a Toyota RAV4 or a Honda CRV like hers. There was more to the conversation, but I knew they just sold one of their businesses for $100 million.

‘They started with $100 bucks together and never stopped being smart and frugal.She advised me that blending in is your Best Private University bet as people get weird when they know you have money.’

Another added: ‘This. I work for the ultra-wealthy. It’s the ALMOST wealthy who flaunt everything and have attitude.’

Wealthy people tend to drive average cars which are reliable because they want to keep a low profile and blend in

Keeping their friendship circles small  

Wealthy people like to keep their friendship circle small and are very selective with who they allow in.

And in some cases you have to pass certain tests so they know if they can trust you.

A Reddit user highlighted their experience of high school with rich students and said: ‘I went to high school with the offspring of millionaires and billionaires, and something that I always noticed was how close sibling groups are.

‘It’s because they exist in the same space in life, they understand what that means, and they don’t have to worry about each other’s intentions.

‘But then, if you manage to become friends with someone, then you kind of get absorbed by the whole sibling group.They’re all kinda like, “Well okay, clearly he’s okay.”‘

Minimalist homes and simple décor

Reddit users claim rich people enjoy a very simple style – and the same goes for their home decoration.

One Reddit user said: ‘I don’t know why, but many rich people like the simple aesthetic, which honestly doesn’t feel homey.

‘They’d rather live with very few things.’

Another added: ‘Once you know you have money to replace things, it’s much easier to let go of them.Minimalist decor aesthetics are very rooted in this idea.’

And one commented: ‘Minimalism is for people who didn’t grow up saving all the plastic food tubs to use as Tupperware.’

While one user noticed their couches do not touch the wall. 

Rich people enjoy a very simple style and the same goes for their home decoration

Casually partaking in expensive hobbies

Reddit users claim you can tell if someone has copious amounts of money by how expensive their activities are to maintain.

Many wealthy people enjoy hobbies such as sailing, skiing and golfing which aren’t as accessible to the average American.

One Reddit user said: ‘Casually having expensive hobbies.Stuff like sailing, skiing, and golfing.

‘Especially in areas where those activities aren’t as accessible, and if they’ve been doing it for a long time.

‘You live in the Midwest, but you’ve been surfing since you were 10?Probably rich.’

You can tell if someone has copious amounts of money by how expensive their activities are to maintain 

A taste for caviar and escargots  

It’s no secret that rich people also have a particular taste when it comes to food and you can tell someone is wealthy by the quality of the food they eat.

Many indulge in dishes such as caviar and escargot and one user on the Reddit thread said: ‘They go out of their way to eat meals with fresh vegetables.

‘And not just corn or tomatoes either.It’s an odd one, but I have noticed the wealthier friends I have eat differently than the middle class friends I have.’

No digital footprint

Those with generation wealth tend to keep a low profile and they often have no digital footprint.

While others pay companies to keep information about them off the internet.

A Reddit user said: ‘Real generational wealth keeps an extremely low profile.

‘They have no digital footprint.They actually pay people to keep information about them off the internet and out of any publications.’

Rich people also have a particular taste when it comes to food and you can tell someone is wealthy by the quality of the food they eat

Good university education with bad grades 

Another sign someone comes from wealth is that they went to a good university despite getting bad grades. 

A Reddit user agreed and said: ‘I went to private prep schools all my life.First hand, this is so unbelievably accurate I can’t even tell you.

‘I did a paper for my economics class in college about how wealth plays into elite university admissions.

‘I’ve seen many friends go Ivy who wouldn’t even get into state schools based on test scores.’

Travelling without luggage 

Some rich people have the benefit of not having to lug around heavy luggage when travelling as they have holiday homes all around the world.

As one Reddit user in the thread put it: ‘They don’t have luggage when taking a flight.

‘So many wealthy people have multiple homes with separate wardrobes at each.

‘To just jump on a plane with no carry on bags must be a dream.’

They also tend to use the phrase ‘I summer in’ – which is another sign some is rich.

Some rich people have the benefit of not having to lug around heavy luggage when travelling as they have wardrobes in the holiday homes they are visiting

Coasting through life

Rich people have plenty of doors opened for them thanks to their wealth and extensive list of contacts.

So if you spot a person who casually coasts through life and has opportunities fall at their feet, they are likely very rich.

‘They have a certain ease with which they move about the world that you have to see to understand,’ one Reddit user pointed out.

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